Visualize geological features on 3D model with AI that automatically detects bedding planes, joints, fissures, dip and strike angle and more
Software Pemetaan & Manajemen Pertambangan
Software Pemetaan & Manajemen Pertambangan
Platform unggulan manajemen tambang berbasis cloud yang menggabungkan kekuatan photogrammetry dan Artificial Intelligence (AI) untuk menghasilkan banyak analisis yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan keamanan operasi tambang. Lakukan pemantauan hauling road, stockpile inventory, pengawasan high wall dan slope, hingga perencanaan drilling dan blasting.
Digital Twin & Surveying
Hyperspectral Imaging AI
Decrease dilution and maximize recovery by classifying mineral zones across your site, bench or muckpile.
3D Photogrammetry
Digitize your site, your pit or your bench using 3D photogrammetry AI designed specifically for mining environments.
Ore Deposit Prediction
Decrease exploration costs with AI that predicts the location of ore deposits before you start drilling.
Site Analisis AI
Volumetric Reconciliation
Quantify in-pit volumetric differences month-on-month, assess deviations from pit design, and measure volume remaining to final pit limits all with just a few clicks
Haul Road Assessment AI
Ensure haul road safety and compliance with AI to automatically detect grade, width, crossfalls, berm heights and more
Highwall AI
Monitor highwall safety and compliance with AI to automatically detect crests, toes, wall heights, batter angles and more
Stockpile Measurement
Measure your stockpiles using drones or camera phones and track inventory across multiple sites over time
Fragmentation AI
Fragmentation AI
Automatically measure 2D and 3D muckpile fragmentation using drones, phone cameras or equipment cameras
Optimize future shot designs with AI fragmentation prediction models that learn from previous shots
Muckpile Movement AI
Automatically measure throw distance, trough drop, cast percentage and more
Use AI muckpile prediction modeling to fine tune future shot designs
Vibration & Airblast Modeling
Centrally manage your vibration/airblast data in the same platform as your blast design data to automatically generate site-specific prediction models
Environmental AI
Haul Truck Sensor Data Integration
Reduce haul truck emissions and fuel consumption by visualizing truck performance in the context of road design and road conditions. Optimize your fleet’s performance, reducing costs and optimizing routing using Aerial Intelligence.
Species Detection AI
Track and monitor the prevalence of individual animal or plant species around your site
Natural Community AI
Track and monitor the condition of the Natural Community around your site
Geology Mapping
Slope Stability AI
Identify areas of the pit most at risk of slope failure with automated AI analysis
Hyperspectral Imaging
Decrease dilution and maximize recovery by classifying mineral zones across your site, bench or muckpile.
Drill & Blast Design
Face Profiling
Improve fragmentation and prevent flyrock by measuring 3D burdens for each face hole during pattern design or after boretracking
Drill Pattern Design
Create shot plans using automated tools to optimize energy distribution and improve blasting outcomes
Smart Drill Data Integration
Seamlessly send pattern designs directly to Smart Drills and receive back rich Measure While Drilling data to visualize and analyze geological bench conditions
Borehole data Integration
Reduce flyrock and optimize fragmentation by integration borehole data into 3D drone model
Blast Hole Loading Design
Design tailored blast loading and timing for with a hole-by-hole view of geology, 3D burden and more
Blast Hole Timing Design
Design tailored blast loading and timing for with a hole-by-hole view of geology, 3D burden and more
Mine to Mill AI
Analytics Dashboard
Visualize key operational metrics and chart their correlations
Scenario Modeling
Quickly build site simulation models using data already in the platform along with external data sources
Operations Optimizer
Use AI to determine the optimal combination of design decisions based on your historical site data