Skyfend Tracer & Guider

SKYFEND Tracer adalah detektor UAV portabel yang secara efektif menerima, menganalisis, dan memproses sinyal radio dari berbagai model UAV. Alat ini dapat dengan cepat menentukan lokasi yang tepat dari UAV dan pilot dengan menganalisis informasi lapisan protokol sinyal nirkabel, tanpa menyebabkan gangguan apa pun pada perangkat komunikasi nirkabel di dalam zona yang dilindungi.


Features :

  • Monitoring
    Tracer P detects radio signals of UAVs, allowing the acquisition of vital information including coordinates (latitude and longitude), altitude, speed, heading angle, model, SN, and pilot’s location.
  • Classification
    Tracer P utilizes list management to classify drones as either friendly or hostile. During detection missions, the device intelligently disregards drones listed in the whitelist, thereby achieving an advanced warning and defense system.
  • Networking Applications
    Tracer P provides two application modes: integration with additional expansion modules* or integration with the Command and Control (C2) system. *Note: The existing expansion module features a portable UAV jammer, facilitating the integration of detection and jamming capabilities.
  • Data Feedback
    The system enables the real-time display of intruding drone flight paths and associated pilots, allowing users to access pilot details and positions directly on the map. The list is categorized into friendly or hostile classifications, with adjustable sorting priority available in the settings. The list displays the details of all the detected drones and pilots.


Specifications :

  • Hardware
    Body without Antenna (mm): 222 × 85 × 45
    Antenna (mm): 200 × 3
    Weight (g): 1000 (battery included)
    Corlour: Starry Gray
    User Feedback: Haptic / Audible
  • Protocol Analysis
    Drones equipped with Drone ID and RID as
    regulated by the FAA, including DJI, Autel,
    Parrot, etc.
    Detection Range (km): 3 (Omni)
    Frequency Band: 2.4GHz/5.2GHz/5.8GHz
    Detection Time (s): <3
    Trackable Qty: >30
  • Operating Environment
    IP Rating: IP65
    Operation Temperature (°C): -20 ~ +55
  • Battery
    Standard Voltage (V): 11.07
    Weight (g): 400
    Dimensions (mm): 38 × 82 × 102
    Battery Life (hr): 5 (battery replacement within 10s)
    Operation Temperature (°C): -20 ~ +60


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